
Best Notepad Codes for Tricks, Hacks & Commands (2024)

As promised, here are the newest Notepad codes for tips & tricks. These methods are simple and easy to put into practice. If you employ these methods, you and your mates will have a blast. All you have to do to proceed is follow the steps outlined below.

If you’re using Windows, you can use the Notepad program. This utility program makes it easier to write programs that do everything from taking over the system to playing practical jokes. Here are some clever ways to pull a fast one on your pals.

This post will change your attitude about Notepad, primarily used for typing. These methods are simple and easy to put into practice. Using these methods, you and your friends can have a blast. To proceed, only stick to the given guidelines.

Best Notepad Codes for Tricks, Hacks & Commands (2024)

It’s going to be a fantastic time for you. For help, just check out the hints provided below. The following notepad codes must be copied into Notepad and then saved as a file with the “.bat” extension.

Notepad trick to Test Antivirus

This is a simple way to test if your antivirus software is doing its job.


You can test your antivirus detection abilities by saving the file as test.exe and running it. If it does, your current anti-virus software is doing its job; otherwise, you should consider getting a new one.

Make A Personal Log-Book or A Diary

Save the following code in Notepad as “log.txt.”


The time and date of each item in this log file can be seen whenever the file is viewed.

Constantly Repeat Any Messages

The above is a good example of how to make a sentence appear many times in Notepad. Just cut and paste the following into Notepad and name the file “message.bat.”

@ECHO off


msg * Hi

msg * Are you having fun?

msg * I am!

msg * Lets have fun together!

msg * Because you have been o-w-n-e-d


Continually pop out CD Drive Using Notepad

My favorite trick is the one that makes the CD drive keep popping out whenever you try to close it. The following code can be copied and pasted into Notepad, where you have to save it under the name “cd.vbs.”

Set oWMP = CreateObject(“WMPlayer.OCX.7″)

Set colCDROMs = oWMP.cdromCollection


if colCDROMs.Count >= 1 then

For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count – 1



For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count – 1



End If

wscript.sleep 5000


Convey your friend a message and shut down their computer

Simply enter the following code into Notepad and save the file as “anyname.bat.”

@echo off

msg * Hey how are you

shutdown -c “Error! You are a stupid!” -s

Notepad Trick to type slowly

Copy the code below and save it as “anyname.vbs” to implement the slow-moving text feature.

WScript.Sleep 180000

WScript.Sleep 10000

Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject (“WScript.Shell”)

WshShell.Run “notepad”

WScript.Sleep 100

WshShell.AppActivate Notepad“”

WScript.Sleep 500

WshShell.SendKeys “Hel”

WScript.Sleep 500

WshShell.SendKeys “lo ”

WScript.Sleep 500

WshShell.SendKeys “, ho”

WScript.Sleep 500

WshShell.SendKeys “w a”

WScript.Sleep 500

WshShell.SendKeys “re ”

WScript.Sleep 500

WshShell.SendKeys “you”

WScript.Sleep 500

WshShell.SendKeys “? ”

WScript.Sleep 500

WshShell.SendKeys “I a”

WScript.Sleep 500

WshShell.SendKeys “m g”

WScript.Sleep 500

WshShell.SendKeys “ood”

WScript.Sleep 500

WshShell.SendKeys ” th”

WScript.Sleep 500

WshShell.SendKeys “ank”

WScript.Sleep 500

WshShell.SendKeys “s! “

Matrix Effect

Simply copy the code below, put it into Notepad, and save it as “anyname.bat” to generate a matrix effect on your screen.

@echo off

color 02


echo %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random%

goto start

Format Hard Disk Using Just Notepad

This code will completely wipe your advanced storage device. To use, paste the following into Notepad and name the resulting file “anyname.exe.”

01100110011011110111001001101101011000010111010000 100000011000110011101001011100 0010000000101111010100010010111101011000

Convert Text Into Audio Using Notepad

This code will convert your writing into an audio file, a very neat notepad trick. All you have to do is write the following code into Notepad and save it as “text-to-audio.vbs.”

Dim message, sapi message=InputBox(“Enter your text for conversion–Tech-viral”,”Hover pc Hacks Text-To-Audio Converter”) Set sapi=CreateObject(“sapi.spvoice”) sapi.Speak message

Notepad Trick Print Tree Root

If you use this best notepad trick, the screen will fill with a tree’s root. Just cut and paste the code below into Notepad, give it any name, and save it to your C: disk.

{print tree root}


{print C:windowssystemwinlog

4*43″$@[455] 3hr4~

Note: Pressing ALT+CTRL+DEL will bring up the task manager, where you can terminate the Wscript file by going to the area you want to end. This is how you stop “.vbs” files.

Toggle Your Capslock

If you enter the code into Notepad, your keyboard’s Capslock button will become active or inactive as appropriate. To test what happens when the Capslock Key is pushed, save the file as.vbs, then open it.

Set wshShell =wscript.CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”)


wscript.sleep 100

wshshell.sendkeys “{CAPSLOCK}”


Fake Error Message

This is some code that you should copy into Notepad and then save as error.vbs. An error warning will show up when you try to open the saved file.

X=Msgbox(“Put your Message Here,” 0+16,”Put Title Here”)

Change this to your message and provide a title and keywords.

LED Dance of Keyboard Using Notepad

Save the following code as “LEDDance.vbs” in Notepad. The three keyboard LEDs will begin rapid blinking as soon as the file is opened.

Set wshShell =wscript.CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”)


wscript.sleep 100

wshshell.sendkeys “{CAPSLOCK}”

wshshell.sendkeys “{NUMLOCK}”

wshshell.sendkeys “{SCROLLLOCK}”


Create a Password Protected File Using Notepad

You can make a secure archive with just a few clicks in Notepad.

Open Notepad Continuously

This is the perfect way to get even with a pal. Paste the code into Notepad, then give it a name that ends in.bat. Someone you know could benefit from seeing this link, so feel free to send it their way.





World Trade Center Attack Trick

Airliner Q33NY was the one that slammed into the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. This synchronicity, as unlikely as it may seem, will shock you.

  1. Launch Notepad and enter “Q33N” (without the quotes) into the text field.
  2. Now, make Wingdings the font, and increase the size to 72 points.

The visuals are so impressive that you won’t be able to believe it.

Disable Mouse Controls

Avoid utilizing this approach on a personal computer, as it will prevent you from using the mouse.

rem Disable Mouse

set key=”HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\system\CurrentControlSet\Services\Mouclass”

reg delete %key%

reg add %key% /v Start /t REG_DWORD /d 4

Copied code should be saved as disablemouse.bat in Notepad.

Bush Hid The Facts

Unfortunately, this approach is Windows Vista or earlier only. When prompted, open Notepad and type “Bush concealed the facts;” if you don’t, the application will warn you that it may crash. Instead of the characters you typed, you will see replacements. This problem is due to a bug in the older version of Windows.

Changing The Header And Footer In Notepad

If you have Notepad, you may add the header and footer codes below by going to File>Page Setup.

&c Center the characters that follow

&r Right-align the characters that follow

&d Print the current date

&t Print the current time

&f Print the name of the document

&p Print the page number

&l Left-align the characters that follow

Hit Enter Continuously

Using this strategy, you can keep pressing the enter button repeatedly. To use Notepad, put the following code into the text editor.

Set wshShell = wscript.CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”)


wscript.sleep 100

wshshell.sendkeys “~(enter)”


To see the magic, you’ll need to save the file as .vbs.

Deleting Startup Files

If you care about your files, don’t do this at home. Using this code will remove the files that help your machine boot up.










Use the .bat file extension when saving the file. It will force the machine to shut down and delete the required startup files. There is absolutely no way to go back. This means you need to watch what you say and do. You should not use the above code maliciously.

Hit Backspace Continuously

Irritating someone this way is one of the funniest things you can do. Using this strategy, you must continually press the backspace key. The notepad file requires the following code, which must be copied and pasted:

MsgBox “Backspace again and again and AGAIN”

Set wshShell =wscript.CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”)


wscript.sleep 100

wshshell.sendkeys “{bs}”


This Notepad file needs to be saved to a .vbs file to run. Using Windows’ built-in Task Manager to end the script’s execution might be beneficial.

Deleting System32 Files Using Notepad

Another notepad-based attack. If you use Notepad to delete System32 files, your computer will crash. Although this approach is not suggested, the code in question can effectively disable any working computer in a matter of minutes.


Remember to save the notepad file as a .bat file.

Type any sentence again and again

As if that weren’t enough, here’s another hilarious notepad trick you can do to fool your friends. This clever workaround for the notepad will endlessly copy everything you type. It is necessary to end the typing cycle using the task manager manually. This is the secret code.

Set wshShell = wscript.CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”)


wscript.sleep 100

wshshell.sendkeys “I’ll be typed again and again”


Be sure to use the .vbs extension when saving the notepad file.

Force windows to shut down

Another hack that will take down your machine immediately is hidden in a notepad. Using Notepad to enter the provided code and save it as a .bat file is recommended. This is the secret code.

@echo off

shutdown computer

-c “sleep tight” -s

Notepad files must be saved as .bat.

You can have a great time fooling about with your pals and a great time using the Notepad codes by employing the pranks listed here. Thank you for reading, and if you found the content helpful, please forward it to your friends and leave a comment below with any queries.


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