
Top 10 Best Measurement Apps For Android and iPhone in 2024

Have there ever been times when you needed to measure something but lacked a measuring tape? Or was it too far away or big to measure by hand? With the help of these measurement apps, you can measure practically anything, from tiny items in your home to larger ones like buildings, landscapes, and more.

Nowadays, you may measure real-world objects without the need for a traditional physical measuring tape by downloading an app to your smartphone.

The top 10 measurement apps for iPhone and Android

We’ve put up a list of the best measurement apps that provide a variety of tools and features for measuring a variety of objects that would be practical and useful in our daily life.

Therefore, without further ado, let’s begin:

1. Google Maps

Despite not being acknowledged as a true measuring app, Google Maps’ distance measurement capability is one of its stronger aspects. You may measure the separation between two sites in miles or kilometres using Google Maps’ built-in measurement feature.

Download Google Maps for Android and iPhone.

2. AR Ruler

The AR Ruler app uses augmented reality (AR) to measure the physical environment using your smartphone’s camera. AR Ruler, which is based on Google’s ARCore, has measurement options for feet, yards, centimetres, metres, millimetres, and inches. Tap the screen to take measurements while aiming the viewfinder at the detected plane.

Download AR Ruler for Android and iPhone.

3. GPS Fields Area Measure

An easy-to-use and practical app for measuring area, distance, and perimeter is GPS Fields Area Measure. You get a map view and the option to mark locations, much as the measure tool in Google Maps. To use the app, select the start and end points on the map; the distance will then be shown in the top-left corner.

Download GPS Fields Area Measure for Android and iPhone.

4. Moasure

Moasure may measure items’ length, breadth, height, and inter-room dimensions. One of the best measurement apps for Android and iOS is called Moasure. You won’t have any trouble learning how to use this programme because of the in-app video tutorials.

Download Moasure for Android and iPhone.

5. Angle Meter 360

You can measure angles on photographs, photos, or directly from the camera with the help of the straightforward and user-friendly programme known as Angle Meter 360. It uses a more conventional approach as opposed to augmented reality, giving you access to features like an on-screen ruler, protractor, laser level tool, and more.

Download Angle Meter 360 for Android and iPhone.

6. Smart Measure

Similar to how lidar works, the Smart Measure app uses the phone’s built-in camera to calculate the distance between objects in front of the device. Although the app’s functionality is crucial, it’s necessary to keep in mind that it determines heights from the base. The app’s unique feature is its ability to gauge the size of enormous things.

Download Smart Measure for Android.

7. Ruler App – Measure Lengths in Inches + Centimeters

This software has a wonderful ruler on the screen that measures everything. To begin measuring, choose between inches and millimetres. Tap the screen to measure any interesting objects around using the best multi-touch measurement technology. To assist you in drawing precise lines, the screen displays a ruler and two guidelines.

Download Ruler App for Android.

8. Laser Level

The Laser Level is a fantastic measurement software that comes with a ladder pointer, a traditional 3-mode spirit level, and an inclinometer for computing the exact horizontal plane and measuring vertical angles. The Laser Level app measures acceleration and gyroscope in addition to a laser pointer.

Download Laser Level for Android.

9. Measure (Apple)

Your iPhone becomes a measuring tape thanks to Measure. Measure makes it simple to quickly determine a person’s height, the dimensions of rectangular objects, and actual item sizes. Use the Measure app to measure lengths both horizontally and vertically and draw lines. The iPhone 12 Pro and later versions are compatible with it.

Download Measure for iPhone.

10. Roomscan Pro

An excellent floorplan application is RoomScan. You may scan and measure each room in your house with this software in incredibly fine detail. Point the app at the ground to start, and wait for it to identify it. The floor plan can then be swiftly constructed by simply scanning each wall surrounding the room. It was specifically made for pros.

Download Roomscan Pro for iPhone.

To Sum It Up

The best measurement apps for Android and iPhone are listed here. Hope you enjoy it. Which app, whether you’re an Apple or Android user, will you use? Try them out and let us know which one best suits your needs and your preferences. Please let us know in the comments section below if you are aware of any other similar apps.


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